General conditions of the repair service


These general conditions of the repair service (hereinafter “conditions”) govern the execution of the services requested by the Customer from EQUADRO S.r.l., VAT number 04031410287 with operational headquarters in Via Svizzera, 17, 35127 z.i. Padova (PD), for repair activities of the products supplied by Equadro, as subsequently specified in the paragraph “Types of Services”.

These conditions are valid for an indefinite period and are in any case considered known by the Customer by virtue of sending the “Return Request”.

These conditions do not apply to firmware, cloud and App maintenance support services, for which reference is made to the “Conditions for Provision of the Firmware, Cloud and App Maintenance Support Service”.

Any verbal agreements, declarations or commitments by EQUADRO agents made before, at the same time as or after the publication of these conditions on the website will not be binding for EQUADRO unless confirmed by the latter in writing.



The repair service concerns exclusively products made by Equadro for which all the following conditions are valid:

  • Products for which at the time of the return request, a supply contract is active with the customer;
  • products not discontinued or superseded by new versions;
  • products provided with the label or engraving showing the identification code and the production batch of Equadro;
  • products that have not already been subjected to previous repairs.



The repair service is carried out by Equadro on a product for which the customer has reported a malfunction.

The repair consists in restoring the functionality provided for by the technical specification of the product being repaired.

The repair may consist, for example, in the replacement of components, the execution of assembly, welding, cleaning and testing operations.


When specifically requested by the customer, only the analysis service can be carried out, which involves the inspection of the product by a specialized technician and the drafting of a specific report that illustrates the probable causes that led to the reported malfunction.

When the analysis is requested, the product is not repaired.

The services are provided exclusively at the Equadro headquarters, to which the products must be shipped in the manner described in the following paragraphs.



Services do not include:

Activities on the customer’s machine or other devices, where the product is installed or connected;
Firmware updates;
Any modification to the product that causes a misalignment from its original specification;



Service Request

To request a repair, the customer must use the specific form provided by Equadro, complete it with all the information requested, and forward it to Equadro.

Any return authorization request sent using different formats, or failing to provide the requested information, will not be accepted.


Repair batch

Equadro does not require a minimum batch of products to be sent for the repair service, however, the customer is advised to group multiple products in a single shipment, as Equadro applies a fixed fee to each batch for repair received.

Only one activity can be requested for each batch for repair: repair or analysis. It is not possible to differentiate the request for the individual pieces that are part of the repair batch.

Return Authorization

Equadro analyzes the return requests, to verify that the products correspond to the applicability requirements of the service (see previous paragraph “Applicability of the repair service”), and that all the requested has been correctly provided for them.

Following the analysis of the request, Equadro sends the customer a “Return Authorization” identified by an RMA number and accompanied by a label to be applied to the return packaging.

The return authorization may exclude items that are part of the requested batch, therefore the customer is required to review the authorization, and arrange for the shipment of only the authorized products.

Acceptance of the batch for repair

The shipment of the return batch must be carried out only after the Return Authorization by Equadro, and within 30 days of its date.

Only the products indicated in the authorized list must be sent to Equadro.

The products must be sent completely free, i.e. without other parts connected, fixed or assembled together. Products assembled or connected to other machines or devices belonging to the customer will not be accepted.

The packaging of each box of the shipment must have the label applied clearly visible and in its original dimensions. The reason for the transport document must be “Conto Riparazione” if repair is requested, “Conto Visione” if only analysis is requested.

The shipment must be at the customer’s expense. Shipments with freight collect will be returned to the sender.

Repair and warranty

Equadro reserves the right to carry out repairs for products that it deems repairable.

If a product is not repairable, it will be replaced with a new product only if it falls within the warranty conditions, i.e. if no more than one year has passed since the production date of the batch and there is no evidence of tampering, incorrect installation, incorrect use, damage, or permanence in an unsuitable environment.

Equadro reserves the right to use rebuilt/regenerated parts or products, whose performance is deemed by the technicians to be equivalent to that of the original products, in particular conditions of difficulty in supplying spare parts or their excessive cost.

In the event that Equadro deems the repair not economically viable, or is not able to guarantee the future reliability of the product, Equadro itself may, at its discretion, decide to replace the product with a new one free of charge.

The scrapped parts and components will be treated as electronic waste and disposed of in compliance with the procedures adopted by Equadro for respecting the environment.

Non-repairable products that are out of warranty are returned to the customer as “non-repairable items”.


If, for the return batch, only analysis is required, the products are not dismantled and no operation or processing is carried out on them, but a technical analysis is carried out at the end of which, the probable causes of the failure found and any technical support notes are indicated in a specific “Report”.

Return to the customer

At the end of the requested activities, Equadro will ship the batch to the customer. The batch is accompanied by a Repair Report containing a summary of the activities carried out on each item.

Economic conditions applied

The service is provided at the following prices:

Repair Euro 20 Per piece: 35% of the list price at the time of return Euro 5
Analysis Euro 20  Hourly: Euro 95/Hour 1 hour

Upon return of the batch, an invoice will be issued to the customer for the amount due.

Payment is to be made as described in the invoice, and must be made upon receipt of the invoice itself.



The Client cannot invoke or object to conditions other than those contained in these conditions. Therefore, any conditions specified in writing on the “Return Request” sent by the Client are of no validity. Any special conditions and/or derogations or modifications to these conditions must be specifically authorised in writing by EQUADRO. Therefore, any clause added by the Client on the “Return Request” in conflict with what is indicated or referred to in these general conditions is considered invalid.